Integrated Urban Water Model
The Integrated Urban Water Model (IUWM) is a high level planning tool that allows urban planners and water managers to consider potable water savings of indoor and outdoor conservation measures, and alternative water sources such as graywater, stormwater, and reclaimed water.
Water supply and demand assessment under alternative climate, land use and population scenarios is an area of great interest among urban planners and water managers. The IUWM was developed by the Colorado State University Urban Water Center for urban water demand and savings forecasting with urban water conservation and recycling practices. The purpose of the mass balance model is to allow evaluation of alternative urban water management strategies under varying climatic conditions at a municipal or regional scale. IUWM has been deployed as an online tool and as a web service, thus enabling accessibility, ease of use and applicability at the municipal scale.
Key Features:
- GIS-enabled
- Sophisticated and customizable graphing capabilities
- Compare and contrast multiple scenarios simultaneously
- Download and export model outputs, raw data and graphics