Science Advisory Committee (SAC)
The Science Advisory Committee (SAC) serves as a peer review panel to assist EPA in ensuring high quality and practical utilization of scientific research. The member of CLEAN SAC are leaders in nutrient research and education in various sectors including urban wastewater, urban stormwaer, agricultural production nutrient control, aquatic ecology, and policy.
Tzahi Cath
Associate Professor
Colorado School of Mines
Civil and Environmental Engineering
(303) 273-3402
Personal Website
Expertise: Membrane processes for water purification, wastewater reclamation, and desalination

Glen Daigger
Sr. VP and CTO, retired CH2MHill Denver
University of Michigan
Civil and Environmental Engineering
(734) 647-3217
Personal Website
Expertise: Wastewater treatment, especially the use of biological processes

Arthur Gold
Professor and Chair
Department of Natural Resources
University of Rhode Island
(401) 874-2903
Personal Website

Greg Jennings
Stantec, Jennings Environmental, LLC
(919) 600-4790
Personal Website
Expertise: Stream restoration, ecological engineering, stormwater management

Patrick Lucey
Senior Aquatic Ecologist
Aqua-Tex – Victoria, B.C. Canada
(250) 598-0266
Personal Website
Expertise: Aquatic ecology, freshwater and marine ecology, resource management and political science

Steve Paulson
USEPA Western Ecology Division
(514) 754-4428
Personal Website
Expertise: Regional aquatic ecology, aquatic nutrient cycling