Faculty, staff and graduate students at the One Water Solutions Institute at Colorado State University, April 20, 2018
Mazdak Arabi, Professor |
Dr. Arabi is the Borland Endowed Professor of Water Resources in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) at Colorado State University (CSU). His research, education and engagement activities focus on the development of scientific approaches and analysis tools that enable integrated water resource management in a changing world. His primary expertise includes hydrologic assessment, watershed modeling, water quality control, and system identification and optimization. He is the creator and currently serves as the director of the One Water Solutions Institute (OWSI). The mission of the institute is to solve real-world water challenges via cutting-edge research and innovation. OWSI coordinates synergistic activities at several multi-institutional research networks, including: Urban Water Innovation Netwrok (UWIN), CLEAN Nutrient Center, and Water and Climate Sustainability Center.
Email: mazdak.arabi@colostate.edu |
Research Associates
Olaf David, Senior Research Scientist, Computer Sciences |
Olaf is the director of Object Modeling System (OMS) Laboratory at CSU. Since 2000, he has led the design, development, and operation of OMS framework for agro-environmental modeling. He holds a B.S. in Civil Engineering and Ph.D in Computer Science and Engineering from Friedrich-Schiller University in Jena, Germany.
Email: odavid@colostate.edu |
David Patterson, Research Associate |
Dave is the co-creator of the eRAMS technology. Over the past 20 years at CSU, he has developed a number of tools for geospatial analysis, location-based information management, hydrologic analysis, irrigation water management, and optimization of water resources systems. He holds a M.S. degree in Computer Sciences from UC-Boulder. |
Tyler Wible, Research Associate |
Tyler is the developer of several data analystics and modeling tools in eRAMS including stream discharge analysis services. He holds a B.S. and M.S. degree from the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at CSU. |
Administrative Professionals
Sarah Millonig
PhD Students
Laura Supple, Phd, 2025 |
Laura is conducting studies to undrstand social, ecological, and echnoligcal transitions toward sustainable, resilient, and equitable food, energy, and water infrastrcuture. |
Mohamed Fawzy, Phd, 2024 |
Mohamed is conducting studies to characterize fate and transport of salts and nutrients in irrigated river basins. |
Mahshd Mohammad Zadeh, Phd, 2024 |
Mahshid is developing methods for characterization of co-benefits of green infrastructure at the municipal scale. |
Dezfooli, Donya , PhD, 2023 |
Donya is developing a comprehensive assessment framework and rating system for One Water cities. |
Gharib, Ahmed , PhD, 2022 |
Ahmad’s work focuses on allocation of water under alternative water rights institutions, climate change and population scenarios in water scarce regions along fast growing urban-rural interface. |
Chinnasamy, Cibi , PhD, 2023 |
Cibi is investigating the effects of urban water recycling and conservation strategies at the contiguous U.S. level. |
Dell, Tyler , PhD, 2023 |
Tyler’s PhD research is focused on life cycle cost assessment of green infrastructure. |
Ghanbari, Mahshid, PhD, 2021 |
Mahshid develops methods for characterization of flood risks in coastal regions. |
Heidari, Hadi , PhD, 2021th>
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Hadi is investigating the vulnerability U.S. water supply to shortage. |
Dozier, Andre, PhD, 2017 |
Andre developed robust optimization multi objective methods for reliable, resilient, and equitable allocation of scarce water resources in semi-arid regions. |
Olson, Chris, PhD, 2017 |
Chris is developing tools for assessing modeling uncertainties for evaluation of water quality impacts of urban stormwater control measures. |
Tasdighi, Ali, PhD, 2017 |
Ali developed methods for the probabilistic assessment of agricultural conservation practices. |
Ahmadi, Mahdi , PhD, 2012 |
Mehdi developed optimization and system identification methods for optimal placement of agricultural conservation practices at the watershed level. |
Yen, Haw, PhD, 2012 |
Yen developed several methods of analysis of uncertainties in watershed modeling. |
Storteboom, Heather, PhD, 2009 |
Heather investigated fate and transport of antibiotic resistance genes in rivers. |
MS Students
MacPherson, Galen, M.S., 2020 |
Galen is developing a framework for rating One Water Cities. |
Ludwig, Maddie, M.S., 2020 |
Maddie is developing methods to characterize effects of human activities on E-Coli levels along urban streams. |
Rainey, William, M.S., 2020 |
William is investigating the co-benefits of green infrastructure at municipal scales. |
Furth, Canon, M.S., 2020 |
Canon is conducting modeling studies to assess the effects of various grey and green infrastructure systems on flooding and combined sewer systems in New York City. |
Trotter, Brianna, M.S., 2020 |
Brianna’s research focuses on the assessment of water quality effects of agricultural conservation practices. |
Mohammadzadeh, Mahshid, M.S., 2020 |
Mahsihd is assessing modeling uncertainties in simulating urban hydrological responses. |
Joseph George, Alfy, M.S., 2020 |
Alfy’s MS thesis developed a method for assessment of green infrastructure and urban stormwater control systems under maintenance uncertainty. |
Neale, Michael, M.S., 2019 |
Michael developed a systems-based approach for evaluation of fit-for-purpose use of alternative water resrouces in cities and applied the approach in Denver, Miami, and Tucson. |
Heiden, Chelsey, M.S., 2019 |
Chelsey developed methods for assessing the vulnerability of river systems to nutrient pollution. |
Batista, Giovana, M.S., 2018 |
Giovana studied droughts and fit-for-purpose use of alternative water resources in São Paulo, Brazil. |
Mahon, Elizabeth, M.S., 2018 |
Elizabeth developed a web-based water allocation tool. |
Jobin, Olivia, M.S., 2017 |
Olivia developed systems approaches for evaluation of nutrient control strategies from multiple sectors and sources. |
Dell, Tyler, M.S., 2016 |
Tyler’s MS thesis focused on on the assessment of water quality benefits of urban stormwater practices (BMPs). |
Havel, Aaron, M.S.,2015 |
Aaron investigated the hydrological response of forested watersheds to fires. |
Ditty, Jeff, M.S., 2015 |
Jeff developed a computationally scalable watershed models called SWAT-DEG on eRAMS. |
Records, Rosemary, M.S., 2013 |
Rosie conducted studies to assess the effects of climate change on nutrient processes. |
Azizimoghaddam, Barmak, M.S., 2013 |
Bamak conducted global sensitivity analysis to identify key uncertainties in assessing agricultural conservation practices. |
Smith, Meagan, M.S., 2012 |
Meagan evaluated ecosystem services from wetlands and irrigation activiies in a semi-arid Colorado watershed. |
Cowley, Cortney, M.S., 2011 |
Cortney conducted data collection and modleing studies to characerize fate and transport of nutrients in the Cache la Poudre watershed in Colorado. |
Foy, Caleb, M.S., 2010 |
Caleb studies the effects of climate change on hydrological processes in mountanuous headwater river basins in Colorado. |
Motorova, Mayya, M.S., 2010 |
Maya investigated the consequences of climate change on the fate and transport of phosphorus in an agricultural watershed in Midwestern United States. |
Sanadhya, Pranay, M.S., 2010 |
MPranay conducted a global sensitivity analysis to improve understanding of critical hydrologic processes in major snow‐dominated mountainous river basins in Colorado. |
Hill, Heather, M.S., 2009 |
Heather worked on watershed scale assessment of agricultutal conservation practices. |
Spencer, Anthony, M.S., 2009 |
Tony examined the role of represention of headwater streams in simulation of hydrological processes at the larger river basin levels. |