
CIVE 622: Risk Analysis of Water and Environmental Systems

Many problems related to the analysis, design, and management of water and environmental systems deal with uncertainties arising from the random nature of the underlying physical phenomena, errors is measuring relevant variables of interest, as well as structure and parameters of simulation models. Although responses of natural and built water and environmental systems vary in time and space, characterizations of uncertainty, risk, failure, reliability and resilience of these systems require deep understanding of similar statistical and probability concepts. This course is intended to characterize and quantify sources of uncertainty in the assessment of water and environmental systems. The course will provide the tools for estimating the risk of failure and the reliability of these systems.  Specifically, two risk categories are discussed:

  • Chronic risks from water pollution and ecological degradation
  • Acute risks from extreme events (e.g. droughts, floods)

The course objectives and assignments are organized in the following learning modules:

  • Concepts and applications of statistical methods
  • Statistical properties of time series
  • Concepts and applicators of probability methods
  • Distributions and moments of discrete and continuous random variables
  • Distributions and moments of functions of random variables
  • Extreme value distributions
  • Risk and reliability analysis using risk of failure, load-resistance interference, time to failure, and socioeconomic risk analysis
  • Nonstationary risk and reliability analysis
  • Regionalization


CIVE 576: GIS and GPS for Engineering Applications

The primary objectives of this class are:

  • Understanding the principles of geographic analysis
  • Understanding various techniques for data collection, organization, and visualization
  • Understanding methods for the analysis of spatial data and patterns


CIVE 203: Engineering Systems and Decision Analysis

In dealing with real world problems, engineers are ought to make decisions about design, implementation, and operation of a system of interest. The decision making process requires an understanding of import system variables and processes, and the interactions between system components. In this context, uncertainties are unavoidable. The role of probability and statistics is quite pervasive in engineering; it ranges from the description of basic information to the development of models for design and decision making. This course covers basic statistical and probability concepts and methods that are useful for making decisions under uncertain conditions. The course materials are organized as follows:

  • Exploratory data analysis
  • Fundamentals of probability models
  • Random variables: distributions, functions, and moments
  • Basic risk and reliability analysis
  • Hypothesis testing and confidence intervals
  • Building empirical models

The laboratory exercises aim to enhance students’ capacity to implement statistical and probability methods. To this end, two powerful software packages, MATLAB and ArcGIS are used.


CIVE546: Water Resources Systems Analysis

The  goal  of  this  course  is  to  introduce  participants  to  general  concepts  of systems  analysis  and  systems  engineering  as  they  apply  to  the  planning,  design  and  operation of  water  resources  systems.  The course  builds  upon  the  general  concepts  of  systems  analysis, economic  evaluation,  and  project  planning. Advances  in  computing  and  information  technology  are revolutionizing  how  we  manage  our water  resources. The  goal  of  this  course  is  to  introduce  participants  to  the linkage  of computing,  information  technology, and  practical  aspects  of  water  resources  management. The  course  will  describe  general  concepts  of  systems  analysis  and modeling,  within  a  Decision Support  System  framework,  as  these  models  apply  to  the  planning,  design  and  operation  of water  resources  systems. The  use  of  computer models  allows  the  water  resources  engineer  to efficiently  and  effectively  evaluate  many  alternatives  and  to  promote  improved  decision making. Students will apply simulation, optimization,  and  multi criteria  decision  analysis models  to  example  problems  in  water  resources.  The  course  will  also  discuss  how  emerging technologies such  as  evolutionary  optimization,  collaborative  community based  modeling approaches,  and  collaborative  sharing  of  information  might  be  used  to  improve  water resources management.


CIVE440: Nonpoint Source Pollution

This course familiarizes students with the nature and extent of NPS problems, the fundamental processes that govern the fate and transport of diffuse pollution, and the design of effective pollution abatement measures.

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