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Extract Data

The Extract Data toolset allows the user to select and extract data of interest for subsequent analysis. Several data sets are available from a variety of public sources including:
- Surface Waer: USGS, STORET
- Groundwater: USGS Wells
- Digital Elevation Model: NHDPlus (V2)
- Crop Rotation: LAMPS
- Soil: SSURGO
Below you will find detailed information on the data sources and instructions for extracting information using the eRAMS GIS interface.
Available Datasets
Climate data from public sources are available for extraction and download. To find and extract climate data, click on the Map Tools icon and select Extract Data. Click on Climate and then select the dataset of interest from the list.
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Surface Water
Surface water and streamflow data from public sources are available for extraction and download. To find and extract surface water data, click on the Map Tools icon and select Extract Data. Click on Surface Water and then select the dataset of interest from the list.
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Groundwater and well data from public sources are available for extraction and download. To find and extract groundwater data, click on the Map Tools icon and select Extract Data. Click on Groundwater and then select USGS Wells from the list.
- An Extract: pop-up window will open allowing a search to Find station by name or keyword. Type the name or keyword into the box and then select from the choices in the Add map region to search: box. See below for options:
- The Current Map Extent can be used as a larger search area.
- Point or Line buffers can be specified by setting a buffer radius in the units specified in the map settings.
- Polygon or Rectangle areas can be selected and then delineated on the map by clicking and moving the cursor to the next vertex and clicking, then double-clicking when done to define the shape.
- The search can occur Within Layer Extent: by choosing an existing layer from the drop down menu and further specifying which part of the layer from the second drop-down menu.
- Known Boundary: uses a State, County, City, or HUC (hydrologic Unit Code) boundary for the search area.
- Once the map region to search is defined, click Submit and then Next to view the results of the search.
- In the Select Station(s) pane, any stations that were found in the previously defined map region will be displayed.
- If no stations were located, none will be listed.
- Click on a station to display its location on the map and a pop-up dialog box with general and locational information about the station. To select more than one station hold down Shift while clicking on multiple stations.
- To go back to the Station Search pane if needed, click Previous or click on the pane name on the left side of the pop-up window.
- To clear the search, either click Clear by the search box or Reset Search below the map region specification box.
- To refine the data to be downloaded, click on the Advanced link at the bottom of the window or Next to proceed to the Advanced Options pane. Here, a specific period of record can be selected by completing the Begin Date: and End Date: boxes. Variable selections such as Depth to Water Table, Groundwater Height Data and Well Water Quality Data can be made using the check-boxes. When complete, click Download.
- A Download Time Warning pop-up box will display declaring that the download may take a while. Click Download to proceed or Cancel to cancel the operation. Make sure pop-ups from eRAMS are not blocked. When the process is complete, a zipped data file will automatically be downloaded which can be extracted. The download will include individual text files of the selected well data options.
For more information on the USGS Wells data click on the More Info. link to open the USGS National Water Information System webpage. To close the tool, click on the X in the upper right corner of the pop-up window.
NHDPlus Version 2
This tool extracts Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data from the NHDPlus Version 2 dataset provided by the US Environmental Protection Agency and the US Geological Survey. To extract NHDPlus Version 2 gridded elevation data, click on the Map Tools icon and select Extract Data. Click on NHDPlus Version 2.
- A Data Extraction pop-up window will open prompting the selection of a Store results in folder: using the drop-down menu options or creation of a new folder by clicking the New Folder link. The link opens a pop-up menu where the name of a new folder can be entered by clicking in the text box.
- The layers available for selection are DEM, and an Area of Interest can be refined by selecting from the options:
- Point or Line buffers can be specified by setting a buffer radius in the units specified in the map settings.
- Polygon or Rectangle areas can be selected and then delineated on the map by clicking and moving the cursor to the next vertex and clicking, then double-clicking when done to define the shape.
- The search can occur Within Layer Extent: by choosing an existing layer from the drop down menu and further specifying which part of the layer from the second drop-down menu.
- Known Boundary: uses a State, County, City, or HUC (hydrologic Unit Code) boundary for the search area.
- Once the map region of interest is selected, click Generate to create the new grid layer in the previously specified folder. Click Close to close the tool.
Crop Rotation (LAMPS)
LAMPS (Land-use and Agricultural Management Practice web-Service) links together the following data sources to provide crop rotation and management information for user-specified areas within the 48 contiguous states of the USA:
- Annual crop data layers from the CropScape web service provided by the National Agricultural Statistical Service
- Maps of irrigated areas compiled by the U.S. Geological Survey
- Agricultural management practices in the Land Management and Operation Database (LMOD) by the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.
To extract Crop Rotation (LAMPS) data, click on the Map Tools icon and select Extract Data. Click on Crop Rotation (LAMPS).
- The Crop Rotation (LAMPS) pop-up window will open. To Select a field layer: for which the crop rotation tabular data will be downloaded for, use the drop-down menu to find the layer of interest.
- Click on the layer to select it. If the crop data will be added to the layer attributes, click the Add crop data to layer checkbox.
- Click Run. To close the tool, click the X in the upper right-hand corner.
- Depending on the size of area requested, results may take some time to process. The eRAMS Jobs window docked in the lower left corner of the eRAMS map window will open to track job status. It can be closed by clicking on the clock icon in the upper left-hand corner of the Jobs window. Once complete a pop-up dialog box will open specifying the location of the LAMPS tables added in .csv format to the Tables section of the Geospatial/User/Project Layers in the Map pane.
- If the Add crop data to layer checkbox was checked, crop rotation information will appear in the Crop Rotation (LAMPS) pop-up window with information about the Dominant Vegetation or Crop types and Confidence Values for the years of information available. Associated table data will be appended to the previously selected layer.
SSURGO Soil Data
SSURGO Soil Data is available from the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). Map unit aggregate (MUGGATT) soil data information can be extracted and downloaded to make new layers. To extract SSURGO map unit aggregate (MUGGATT) soil data information for a region of interest, click on the Map Tools icon and select Extract Data. Click on SSURGO Soil Data.
- The SSURGO Extraction pop-up window will open. Select a region on the map: of interest using one of the options described below:
- Point or Line buffers can be specified by setting a buffer radius in the units specified in the map settings.
- Polygon or Rectangle areas can be selected and then delineated on the map by clicking and moving the cursor to the next vertex and clicking, then double-clicking when done to define the shape.
- The search can occur Within Layer Extent: by choosing an existing layer from the drop down menu and further specifying which part of the layer from the second drop-down menu.
- Known Boundary: uses a State, County, City, or HUC (hydrologic Unit Code) boundary for the search area.
- The Clear button will remove the selected region. Click Run to run the extraction.
- When complete, a pop-up dialog box will state that the soil layer was extracted. Click Ok to close the box. The new extraction will be added as a new map layer.
- After the process has been run, the soil layer shapefile can be downloaded as a zipped file.
- To close the tool, click on the X in the upper right corner of the pop-up window.