Watershed Assessment

The tool includes a standardized reporting module that creates a watershed management template encompassing the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) nine-element management plan requirements. The module summarizes user-selected information into customizable reports that can be exported in MS Word and PDF format and cab be also saved in the dashboard.


  • Collect physiographic, socioeconomic, hydrologic, water quality, and other relevant watershed data from publicly available federal, state, and local resources.
  • Query water quality data and related information for an area of interest, including predefined watersheds (e.g., HUC 12 or larger watersheds) and user specified areas of interest.
  • Develop rapid watershed assessment reports for predefined watersheds and user specified areas of interest.
  • Create EPA 9-element watershed-based management plans.
  • Outline regional water quality concerns at the watershed level and identify strategies to address them.