Pipe Renewal Prioritization

The Pipe Risk Screening Tool (PRST) allows users to prioritize water distribution and transmission pipes for renewal projects. This prioritization will identify the set of pipes most at risk for failure and with the greatest cost-based consequences for inclusion in your capital improvement program (CIP).
The PRST is for analysis of pipe failure risk as part of a utility’s asset management program. It is not intended to replace enterprise asset management systems or to be used to manage data on all utility pipes.
This web-based tool allows a utility to enter data on a selected list of pipes-at-risk. The tool then calculates an estimated “Overall Likelihood Index”. The calculation is based on a combination of the likelihood index values for pipe age, service levels and pipe breaks. An estimated “Consequences of Failure Rating” is also computed as a function of pipe diameter, location and repair difficulty. As an option, the user can estimate a consequence cost in dollars as a function of the consequences rating.