Trainees will have the opportunity to enroll in two courses developed specifically to support the InTERFEWS program, as well as elective courses that specifically address FEWS issues. The InTERFEWS curriculum includes:
- Enrollment in InTERFEWS core courses
- Enrollment in GRAD 550: STEM Communication
- Enrollment in at least 1 technical course and 1 policy/economics course outside of the trainee’s core area of knowledge
Core Course 01
CIVE/GES 528: Understanding the FEW Nexus
This course will provide students with a broad overview of FEW nexus issues, an understanding of the science underpinning FEW issues, working knowledge about the tradeoffs amongst sectors and experience analyzing the socio-economic constraints and policy limitations incumbent on solutions to FEWS challenges. Learning objectives will be achieved via a series of case studies in semi-arid regions. Many opportunities exist to use local, semi-arid FEWS issues. Case studies will be based on real-world FEW problems faced by partners from industry, government agencies and non-governmental organizations.

Core Course 02
CIVE 527: Tools for Analysis of FEWS Issues
This course aims to equip students with tools to be used across disciplines that advance capacity to assess complex FEWS issues. The course will include three modules:
- Risk analysis for FEWS
- Systems-thinking and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) in FEWS
- Use of triple bottom line (TBL) analysis and multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) to support FEWS decisions
GRAD 550
STEM Communication
Science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) industries require effective communication to progress and advance. Yet, communication in science differs from other areas of business in the use of highly technical language and complex scientific concepts. STEM communications must be made understandable in multilevel environments for both oral delivery and written expression. Through this course, you will work directly with experts in science communication to build and refine critical professional skills to improve your communication in the workplace, including interactive feedback on projects and coursework.

Note: While the team tries to keep the electives course list as up-to-date as possible, course titles may change and new courses may be eligible to fill this requirement. Trainees should inquire about discrepancies and possible additions to the list.
Technical Courses
AGRI 510 Sustainable Agriculture
ANEQ 448 Livestock Manure Management & Environment
ATS 543 Current Topics in Climate Change
ATS 606 Introduction to Climate
CIVE5 44 Water Resources Planning & Management
CIVE 575 Sustainable Water & Waste Management
CIVE 578 Infrastructure & Utility Management
CIVE 622 Risk Analysis of Water & Environmental Systems
ENGR 530 Overview of Systems Engineering Processes
ENGR 531 Engineering Risk Analysis
ENGR 532 Dynamics of Complex Systems
ENGR 581A6 Quantitative Behavioral Modelling for Engineers
ESS 481 Earth Systems Ecology
ESS 501 Principles of Ecosystem Sustainability
ESS 524 Foundations for Greenhouse Gas Management
ESS 545 Applications in GHG Inventories
ESS 555 ESS 555 Life Cycle Assessment for Sustainability
FSHN 500 Food Systems, Nutrition & Food Security
GES 380A2 Systems Thinking in the Anthropocene
GES 542 Bioenergy Technology
NR 420 Integrated Ecosystem Management
ENGR 335 Modeling Human Systems Behavior
SOCR 570 Plant Breeding for Drought Tolerance
SOCR 620 Modeling Ecosystem Biogeochemistry
Policy & Economics Courses
AGRI 602 Bioenergy Policy, Economics, & Assessment
ANEQ 104 Values, Culture & Food Animal Agriculture
AREC 478 Agricultural Policy
AREC 507 Applied Welfare & Policy Analysis
AREC 540 Environmental & Natural Resource Economics
AREC 542 Applied Advanced Water Resource Economics
AREC 572 Social Benefit Cost Analysis
EY/POLS 592 Science & Society in Search of Sustainable Development
ESS 542 Climate Change Policy
NR 400 Public Communications in Natural Resources
NR 515 Natural Resources Policy & Biodiversity
NR 544D Environmental Justice Workshop
POLS 462 Globalization, Sustainability, & Justice
POLS 670 Politics of the Environment & Sustainability
POLS 692 Seminar in Environmental Policy
SOC 460 Society & Environment
SOC 461: Water & Social Justice
SOC 666 Globalization & Socioeconomic Restructuring
SOC 668 Environmental Sociology