External Partner Apprenticeship Proposals

Have an Idea?

External partners interested in proposing a Food-Energy-Water Systems (FEWS) apprenticeship project, are encouraged to submit using the form below. Apprenticeship ideas should identify relevant professional skills a trainee could obtain through the experience. Proposals will be vetted by the leadership team to ensure their fit within the InTERFEWS program.

The InTERFEWS program is limited to Colorado State University PhD candidates entering the 1st or 2nd semester (in a few cases, 3rd semester) of their PhD program. Cohorts include both funded and unfunded trainees, with funded trainees receiving 2 years of funding. 

External Partner Apprenticeship Proposal

External partners interested in submitting research projects or ideas can do so here.
  • List any colleagues that would also be involved and their titles (and affiliations, if different from own) here.