UWIN Management Team

Mazdak Arabi, PhD
Professor and Borland Chair of Water Resources
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Colorado State University
Voice: (970) 491-4639
Email: mazdak.arabi@colostate.edu
Personal Website
Short Biography
Dr. Mazdak Arabi is a professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at CSU. His research is primarily focused on development of decision support systems for sustainable management of water resources.

Deputy Director
Gary Pivo, PhD
School of Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning
School of Natural Resources and the Environment
University of Arizona
Voice: 520-561-6134
Email: gpivo@email.arizona.edu
Personal Website
Short Biography
Dr. Gary Pivo works in the areas of responsible property investing, urban form, and sustainable cities. He holds professorships in the Planning Degree Program and the School of Natural Resources at the University of Arizona where he teaches courses on the land development process and sustainable cities and society.

Associate Director for Research
Claire Welty, PhD
Chemical, Biochemical, and Environmental Engineering
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Voice: 410-455-1766
Email: weltyc@umbc.edu
Personal Website
Short Biography
Dr. Claire Welty is the Director for the Center for Urban Environmental Research and Education at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. Her research includes Urban hydrology; Contributing to fundamental understanding of transport processes in aquifers; Mathematical modeling of groundwater flow and transport in porous and fractured media; Application of stochastic methods to interpreting groundwater problems; Design and analysis of field-scale hydraulic and tracer tests.

Associate Director for Education
Alan Berkowitz, PhD
Head of Education
Cary Institute for Ecosystem Studies
Voice: 845-677-7600 x311
Email: berkowitza@caryinstitute.org
Personal Website
Short Biography
Dr. Alan Berkowitz leads the Education Team for the Baltimore Ecosystem Study, a Long Term Ecological Research project studying and teaching about the Baltimore ecosystem, and has directed the Cary Institute’s research program for undergraduates for 28 years.

Associate Director for Outreach
Michael Sukop, PhD
Department of Earth and Environment
Florida International University
Voice: 305-348-3117
Email: sukopm@fiu.edu
Personal Website
Short Biography
Dr. Mike Sukop is the lead PI of the NSF/NIFA supported South Florida Water, Sustainability, and Climate Project. In addition, Dr. Sukop serves as the liaison between the Florida Climate Institute and the Southeast Florida Regional Climate Compact, where he works to bring research expertise to bear on South Florida challenges.

Associate Director for Diversity
Kimberly Jones, PhD
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Howard University
Voice: 202-806-4807
Email: kljones@howard.edu
Personal Website
Short Biography
Dr. Jones is Professor and Chair of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Howard University. She earned her B.S. degree in 1990 from Howard and then returned to join the faculty upon completion of her Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering in 1996. Dr. Jones began making contributions toward understanding wastewater treatment while she was still studying for her doctorate degree and she continues to make seminal contributions in the field within a world-class research program that she built at Howard University.