Project D1-3: UWIN Decision innovation system
Mazdak Arabi, PhD
Colorado State University
Civil & Environmental Engineering
A cloud-based system will be developed to deploy urban water analytics that are developed by UWIN projects and partners. The system is designed using the environmental Resource Assessment and Management System (eRAMS) and is called Urban-Water Resources Assessment Program (Urban-WRAP). The system provides computationally scalable, accessible and platform independent web services for the assessment of the UWIN urban water sustainability indicators in regions across the U.S. A governing rule for the development of the decision innovation system is that complexity is analyzed comprehensively, but decision information is presented to communities and regulators in understandable forms to support informed choices
Journal Articles
Bolson, J., Sukop, M., Pivo,G., Arabi,M., Lanier, A. A stakeholder-science based approach using the National Urban Water Innovation Network as a testbed for understanding urban water sustainability challenges in the U.S. Water Resources Research. Status = Published; Acknowledgment of Federal Support = Yes; Peer Reviewed = Yes.
Chinnasamy, C.V., M. Arabi, S. Sharvelle, T. Warziniack, C.D. Furth, and A. Dozier (2021). Characterization of Municipal Water Uses in the Contiguous United States, Water Resources Research, in press.
Daigger, G., S. Sharvelle, M. Arabi, and N. Love. 2018. Progress and Promise Transitioning to the One Water/Resource Recovery Integrated Urban Water Management Systems, ASCE Journal of Environmental Engineering, 145(10), 04019061.
Dozier, A. Q., Arabi, M., Wostoupal, B., Goemans, C. G., Zhang, Y., and Paustian, K. (2017). “Declining agricultural production in rapidly urbanizing semi-arid regions: Policy tradeoffs and sustainability indicators.” Environmental Research Letters, 12(8), 85005.
Maas A., C. Goemans, D. Manning, and M. Arabi, Complements of the house: Estimating demand-side linkages between residential water and electricity, Water Resources and Economics, 29: 100140, 2020. DOI: 10.1016/j.wre.2019.02.001
Maas, A., D. Manning, C. Goemans, S. Kroll, and M. Arabi. 2017. Evaluating the effect of conservation motivations on residential water demand, Journal of Environmental Management, 196(1): 394-401. 1016/j.jenvman.2017.03.008
Neale, M., S. Sharvelle, M. Arabi, A. Dozier, and C. Goemans, 2020, Assessing tradeoffs of urban water demand reduction strategies, Journal of Hydrology, 8: 100059.
Olson, C., M. Arabi, T. Dell, and L. Roesner, 2020, Probabilistic Assessment of Extended Detention Basins: Role of Model Parameter Uncertainty, ASCE Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 146(8), 04020052.
Sharvelle, S., A. Dozier, M. Arabi, and B. Reichel. 2017. A geospatially-enabled web tool for urban water demand forecasting and assessment of alternative urban water management strategies, Environmental Modeling & Software, 97: 213-228, 2017. DOI: 1016/j.envsoft.2017.08.009
Tasdighi A., M. Arabi, and D. Harmel. 2018. A probabilistic appraisal of rainfall-runoff modeling approaches within SWAT in mixed land use watersheds, Journal of Hydrology, 564, 476-489.
Updated: June 2021
Theses & Dissertations
Batista, Giovana das Gracas (2018). Characterization of urban water use and performance evaluation of conservation practices using the Integrated Urban Water Model in São Paulo, Brazil. MS Thesis: Civil and Environmental Engineering, Colorado State University. Web:
Dozier, Andre (2017). Towards integrated water resources management through modeling, optimization, and stakeholder engagement with a decision support game. Dissertation: Civil and Environmental Engineering, Colorado State University. Web:
Furth, David Canon (2021). Resiliency of the New York City Stormwater System to Changes in Climate and Sea-Level Conditions, M.S. Thesis, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado. Web: pending publication
Joseph George, Alfy (2020). Assessing of performance of stormwater control measures under varying maintenance regimes, M.S. Thesis, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado. Web:
Rainey, William (2020). Characterization of co-benefits of green stormwater infrastructure across ecohydrologic regions in the United States, M.S. Thesis, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado. Web:
Wostoupal, Benjamin (2018). Exploring water management tradeoffs in semiarid regions through conservation, institutions, and integrated modeling. M.S. Thesis, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado. Web:
Updated: June 2021
Dell, T., S. Sharvelle, and M. Arabi, 2020, Community-Enabled Lifecycle Analysis of Stormwater Infrastructure Cost (CLASIC) Model,
Wible, T. and M. Arabi, 2020, River Discharge and Water Quality Analysis Tool,
Sharvelle, S. and M. Arabi, 2020, Urban Water Demand Forecasting Model,
Fontaine, D. and M. Arabi, 2020, Pipe Renewal Prioritization Model,
Wible, T., R. Morrison, and M. Arabi, 2020, River Hydraulics & Sediment Transport Model,
Wible, T., R. Morrison, and M. Arabi, 2020, Watershed Rapid Assessment Program (WRAP) Model,
Updated: July 2020
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Mazdak Arabi, PhD – Principal Investigator
Borland Professor of Water Resources
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Colorado State University
Voice: (970) 491-4639
Dr. Mazdak Arabi is the Borland Endowment Professor of Water Resources in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at CSU. He serves as the Director of CSU’s One Water Solutions Institute. His research, educational, and engagement activities are primarily focused on the development of decision support systems for sustainable management of water resources. Dr. Arabi has developed novel system identification and optimization approaches to facilitate development of solutions for reliable and resilient regional water systems. He is the principal inventor of the environmental Resources Assessment and Management System (eRAMS), a cloud-computing technology for integration of location-based information with simulation models of water, food, and energy systems. The eRAMS platform currently supports more than 200 analytics and decision tools that have been developed in collaboration with other research institutions as well as federal, state and local government agencies. Dr. Arabi also serves as the Director of several major research programs, including the National Science Foundation’s Urban Water Innovation Network, the Environmental Protection Agency’s Center for Comprehensive, optimal and Effective Abatement of Nutrients (CLEAN Center), and the Water Sustainability & Climate Center.